Understanding the Problem

The climate is increasingly in dire straits. Most energy sources are still fossil-fuel based, and in recent years climate disasters have become increasingly common and severe. To best understand the current state of the climate and how we got here, we must consider (1) a history of how humans have changed the Earth’s climate, (2) the current state of our climate and environment, and (3) what needs to happen to avoid an irreversible climate catastrophe. For a deeper look at our climate’s past, present, and future, please see the following links:

Solutions and Innovations

Over the last 20 years – and last 5 in particular, we have created countless new technologies that move us away from fossil fuel sources of energy. Every month, significant innovations and progress are being made towards a sustainable future.

From a purely technological point of view, we can solve climate change. The real question is can we solve the human and political and economic problems and transition to these new technologies before it is too late?

To read more about some of the amazing advances in renewable technologies, click on the links below:

Photo by Li-An Lim on Unsplash
Knowing what the problems and the innovations are is only the beginning, however. We need to cook, eat, travel, study, vote, live, and work in ways that are sustainable and help reverse some of the collective damage we all have done to our planet. To learn more about ways to go green, resources for students interested in climate change, and how to take climate-friendly political action, read here...