Why the Climate Innovation Coalition?

  • The mission of the Climate Innovation Coalition (CIC) is to be a force for inspiring a rapid culture shift toward a sustainable present and future.

  • The climate is in increasingly dire straits. Most energy sources are still fossil-fuel based. At the same time, industry is making important and meaningful strides in renewable energy innovation. Greenhouse gas emissions are falling in some countries and should be plateauing and decreasing globally within a few years.

  • Not only are solar panels, wind turbines, batteries, and electric vehicles getting better and more affordable by the month, transitioning to them makes the air we breath and water we drink healthier and safer.


  • Knowing what the problems and the innovations are is only the beginning, however. We need to cook, eat, travel, study, vote, live, and work in ways that are sustainable and help reverse some of the collective damage we all have done to our planet. 
Climate Solutions
In recent years, we have created countless new technologies that move us away from fossil fuel sources of energy. Every month, significant innovations and progress are being made towards a sustainable future.
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Understanding the Problem
Although there are many reasons for optimism, the climate is still in dire straits. Most energy sources are still fossil-fuel based, and in recent years climate disasters have become increasingly common and severe. In order to save our future, we first must understand how we got here in the first place.
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Go Green
While many solutions to the climate crisis require systemic, long term change, there are plenty of ways you can make an immediate impact by making sustainable choices in your daily life. Often times, these choices not only benefit the environment, but also save you money in the long term!
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