• Over the last 20 years – and last 5 in particular, we have created dozens if not hundreds of new technologies that move us away from fossil fuel sources of energy. Every month, significant innovations and progress are being made towards a sustainable future.
  • From a purely technological point of view, we can solve climate change. The question is can we solve the human and political and economic problems and transitioning to these new technologies before it is too late?
  • To read more about some of the amazing advances in renewable technologies, click on the links below:

Good News About the Climate

Graph showing the percentage of electricity generated by renewables for 47 countries whose electricity in 2021 or 2022 was more than 50% renewable
Figure courtesy of The Independent — Data compiled by Professor Mark Z. Jacobson, Stanford University, on 31 March, 2024 and sourced from IEA (2024) except for Bhutan, which is from IRENA (2023)
Seven countries now generate 100% of their electricity from renewable energy | The Independent

 “Seven countries now generate nearly all of their electricity from renewable energy sources, according to newly compiled figures.

Albania, Bhutan, Nepal, Paraguay, Iceland, Ethiopia and the Democratic Republic of Congo produced more than 99.7 per cent of the electricity they consumed using geothermal, hydro, solar or wind power.

Data from the International Energy Agency (IEA) and International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) also revealed that a further 40 countries generated at least 50 per cent of the electricity they consumed from renewable energy technologies in 2021 and 2022 – including 11 European countries.” (Source: The Independent)